Andreas K. Engel, Christian Gerloff
Speakers of SFB 936

The SFB 936 Best Paper Awards 2020 for PhD/MD Students

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Mattia Chini for the outstanding quality of the publication entitled „Resolving and Rescuing Developmental Miswiring in a Mouse Model of Cognitive Impairment“ published in the Journal „Neuron“ in January 2020.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Award 2020 for Postdocs

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate
Dr. Dr. Eckhard Schlemm for the outstanding publication entitled „Structural brain networks and functional motor outcome after stroke — a prospective cohort study“ published in the Journal „Brain Communications“ in January 2020.
The SFB 936 Best Paper Awards 2019 for PhD/MD Students and Postdocs
On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Jonas Misselhorn for the outstanding quality of the publication entitled „Synchronization of sensory gamma oscillations promotes multisensory communication“ published in eNeuro in September 2019.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Award 2019 for Postdocs

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Fanny Quandt for the outstanding quality of the publication entitled „Normalization of reduced functional connectivity after revascularization of asymptomatic carotid stenosis“ published in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism in September 2019.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Awards 2018 for PhD Students

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Joachim Ahlbeck for the outstanding quality of the publication „Glutamatergic drive along the septo-temporal axis of hippocampus boosts prelimbic oscillations in the neonatal mouse“ published in Elife in April 2018

The SFB 936 Best Paper Award 2018 for Postdocs

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Dr. Thomas Pfeffer for the outstanding quality of the publication „Catecholamines alter the intrinsic variability of cortical population activity and perception“ published in PLOS Biology in February 2018.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Awards 2017 for PhD Students

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Sebastian Bitzenhofer and Joachim Ahlbeck for the outstanding quality of the publication „Layer-specific optogenetic activation of pyramidal neurons causes beta–gamma entrainment of neonatal networks“ published in Nature Communications in February 2017


Alexandra Tinnermann for the outstanding quality of the publication „Interactions Between Brain and Spinal Cord Mediate Value Effects in Nocebo Hyperalgesia“ published in Science in October 2017.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Award 2017 for Postdocs

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Dr. Arnaud Messé  for the outstanding quality of the publication „Functional Connectivity’s Degenerate View of Brain Computation“
published in PLOS Computational Biology in October 2016.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Awards 2016 for PhD Students

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Randolph Helfrich for the outstanding quality of the publication „Different coupling modes mediate cortical cross-frequency interactions“publishedinNeuroimageinNovember 2015.

The SFB 936 Best Paper Award 2016 for Postdocs

On behalf of the independent scientific advisory board and the coordinators of the SFB 936 we would like to congratulate

Dr. Gregor Leicht  for the outstanding quality of the publication „EEG-Informed fMRI Reveals a Disturbed Gamma-Band–Specific Network in Subjects at High Risk for Psychosis“ published in Schizophrenia Bulletin in January 2016.